It's generally agreed that Forest Orchards grow the best and most sought after organic apples in Australia. Their super sweet, wonderfully crisp Galas, Fujis, Pink Ladies, Jonathans, Golden Delicious and Granny Smiths are one of the highlights of autumn / winter produce. We enjoy … [Read more...]
Elke’s (very local) Honey
Just 350 metres from our Woollahra, east sydney organic food store, in the bustling and busy heart of the eastern suburbs, landscape architect and arborist Elke Haege runs a thriving apiary from the terrace of her first floor apartment. We were lucky enough to visit Elke one sunny Friday to see … [Read more...]
Crack Open a Coconut
Thanks to its impressive nutritional attributes and delicious taste the coconut pops up in every corner of our stores these days, from the pantry department to the fridge, freezer and fresh produce display. We've got coconut chips, yoghurt, water, ice cream, cream, milk, butter/oil, flour and … [Read more...]
Delectable Legumes: from Lentils to Lima Beans
. Legumes are the fruits of podded plants, from beans, lentils and chickpeas to carob and even peanuts! They're a fabulous shelf stable ingredient for the pantry, adaptable to breakfast, lunch, tea and even desert. Why legumes are good for you (& the planet) Legumes are tasty, … [Read more...]
Organic Citrus Fruit: A Ray of Sunshine mid-Winter
Dazzling oranges, luminous yellows, blushing pinks and electric green: citrus brightens up winter with beautiful colours & refreshing flavour Citrus fruit have a very high Vitamin C content - and perfect timing for warding off winter sniffles! An … [Read more...]
Load up on Vitamin C
Keep the winter sniffles at bay with these Vitamin C rich foods Top five vegetable sources of Vitamin C 1. Red capsicum 2. Parsley 3. Broccoli 4. Brussel sprouts 5. Kale varieties Top five fruit sources of Vitamin C 1. Kiwifruit 2. Papaya 3. … [Read more...]
Mix it up with Organic Miso: more than just soup!
Miso is a Japanese seasoning paste, made by fermenting soybeans and different grains (most commonly barley and different types of rice) with water, salt and koji culture. High in protein and packed with concentrated vitamins and minerals it's delicious, healthy & versatile. … [Read more...]
All About Avocados
A delectably creamy & surprisingly versatile healthy food Healthwise, avocados are nutrient dense, low in sugar & very high in fibre. They're particularly rich in potassium and vitamins C, E and K. Avocados have a notoriously high fat content, especially for a fruit, but don't … [Read more...]
Wild Salmon from The Canadian Way
The first truly wild, fresh salmon available in Australia Until recently the only fresh salmon available in Australia was farmed. And yes, that includes 'Atlantic', 'Ocean caught' and 'Wild caught' salmon: the first two monikers refer to fish farmed in ocean pens; the latter to hatchery raised fish … [Read more...]
Acai: The Super ‘Purpleberry’ of the Amazon
You've heard the term 'superfood' being bandied around: Here's why Acai is the successor to the title The Acai berry comes from palms that grow in the Amazon rainforest of Brazil. The fruit consists of a very large pip with a thin layer of edible- and very nutritious- flesh, which is … [Read more...]