The first truly wild, fresh salmon available in Australia
Until recently the only fresh salmon available in Australia was farmed. And yes, that includes ‘Atlantic’, ‘Ocean caught’ and ‘Wild caught’ salmon: the first two monikers refer to fish farmed in ocean pens; the latter to hatchery raised fish that are released and then caught in river systems.
Here’s an interesting article about Seven Foods So Unsafe Farmers Won’t Eat Them which includes farmed salmon and explains why it’s best avoided.
Now, The Canadian Way brings the first truly wild caught salmon in Sydney, Australia.
Swimming free in the fresh, clean Canadian waters (pictured above!), it’s never farmed and is as pure as salmon can possibly be. The incredibly deep coral colour unique to wild sockeye salmon owes to a natural diet rich in plankton (rather than the imitation dyes and supplements which are fed to farmed fish) and you can rest assured that no additives, antibiotics or steroids have been used. Reputed for its superior taste by chefs and by doctors for its little to no mercury content, it’s the delicious, safe and obvious choice.
Wholefoods House now stocks smoked salmon from The Canadian Way. Taste the difference!