Buying organic meat or organic eggs sounds good. After all, most people instinctively believe that ‘organic’ equals ‘better’ somehow. But belief backed by facts and science is even more important when it comes to what is in our bodies.
And it turns out there are many proven scientific benefits to buying organic food. Read on to find out those specific reasons, as well as some others you might not have thought of. And if you’re convinced at the end, we’ll include some links to how you can get an organic food box delivery right to your door.
Sustainable Environmental Practices
One benefit that applies to all of the categories we go through below is that organic farming is better not just for the animals concerned but for the sustainability of the environment.
Organic farming and animal rearing have fewer ‘animals per unit of space’, whether that’s an open pasture for grazing cows or a large pen for free range chickens. This means that the land can support them better and can recover after the animals have used it to grow. Organic farming is also free of pesticides and herbicides. This means that animals consume food that they are evolved to utilise in the most natural way, rather than a ‘treated’ version of it.
This lack of chemicals also means that the land used for organic farming is left closer to its ‘natural’ state than conventionally farmed land.
All of that adds up to one very important thing: environmental sustainability.
Organic Meat
When it comes to meat, quality is definitely better than quantity. And organic meat is the highest quality meat you can get. But what makes it higher quality?
Well, for one, organic meat products from sheep, cattle and pigs can have more omega-3 fatty acids than the comparable product from a non-organic source. More fatty acids might not sound like a good thing, but trust us, it is. Omega-3 fatty acids are a type of healthy fat or unsaturated fat (it’s the saturated fat in your diet that you should be cautious of).
The theory is that the grass-fed diet of organic meat is a contributor to the greater presence of ‘good fat’. Another beneficial element to how organic meat is raised is the increased time spent outdoors. Either way, the health results are clear: a switch to organic meat boosts health omega-3 intake without adding additional calories.
Our top organic meat brands:
Belmore Organic Meats
Cleavers Organic
Gamze Smokehouse
Boks Bacon
Paddock To Plate Smallgoods
Organic Chicken
Chicken is one of the most popular meats in Australia. But to feed our appetite for poultry, the conventional farming industry has used growth promoting tricks for quite some time. The density required to farm conventional poultry in large numbers also leads to higher levels of disease and loss of life. Plenty of antibiotics are needed to counter this.
That leads to an accumulation of antibiotics in the food chain. The World Health Organization is worried that this overuse of antibiotics is helping to create a generation of antibiotic resistant superbugs.
In contrast, organic chicken, which is produced without growth promoters and antibiotics, is free from these concerns. Chickens are also less densely packed while they are being raised, which means the need for high dosage drugs to keep them healthy is not required. The additional space and less density are what increases the cost of organic chicken compared to conventional chicken, but more and more consumers are comfortable paying a little more for the more sustainable product that has less potential health consequences.
Our top organic chicken brands:
Belmore Organic Chicken
Inglewood Organic Chicken
Greenag Turkey
Organic Eggs
Eggs have been called nature’s energy snack. With a high protein content, many ways they can be cooked and a quick prep time, it’s no surprise that eggs are some of the most consumed produce items in any household.
But organic eggs might be even better. Organic laying chickens cannot be exposed to harmful environmental factors like pesticides and fertilisers on their farms. These chickens are themselves also 100% vegetarian and can’t be fed any animal products or by-products. That means their diet consists of organically grown grain.
So, in the end, that means that organic chickens are freer to roam outdoors, forage for food and eat naturally. They are also able to have less competition for space and are not fed or treated with high-dose antibiotics.
Our top organic chicken brands:
Mulloon Creek
Happy Hens
Organic Cheese and Milk
Organically farmed dairy that creates delicious cheese and milk might be tastier to some people, and it’s also better for you. That’s because organic dairy products are not allowed to contain synthetic hormones.
Synthetic hormones can be used in conventional dairy cow farming in order to increase rates of fertility and milk production. But for humans, these synthetic hormones have also been linked to an increased risk of some cancers. Estimates are that around one in five cows in some countries are treated with these stimulating hormones. Choosing organic cheese and milk means that you can avoid these potentially harmful changes to a natural product.
Our top organic cheese, milk and yogurt brands:
Barambah Organics
Blue Bay
Divine Dairy
Meridith Dairy
Paris Creek
Symons Organic
About Wholefoods House
At Wholefoods House, all of our organic foods are certified by independent bodies as organic, whether that’s the tastiest cuts of organic meat for an upcoming BBQ, organic eggs for your pantry or organic cheese for your next platter.
We are also passionate about making it easier for people to eat organic products, so we have organic food box delivery and an organic food shop online so you can browse, buy and have organic food delivered right to your door.